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Blog - sapphire glass

5 Reasons We’re Excited For The iPhone 6

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With a scheduled fall release, the iPhone 6 is on the horizon. It wouldn’t be Apple if they didn’t have some big new features in store for their coveted flagship. Today we want to explore some of the things that we’re most excited about.

1. iOS 8

Apple’s newest OS was recently announced at their 2014 WWDC and aims to blaze the trail as the biggest update to their mobile operating system since the App Store was launched in 2008.

Users will immediately notice new features such as the new Health app, expanded Siri functionality, interactive notifications, and more. Developers now have the new Swift coding language to work with, which is promised to be both powerful and efficient. While there are no changes in looks, iOS 8 is heavily focused on functionality and ease-of-use.

iOS 8 preview

2. Bigger screen

Apple has never been a big fan of following trends, and they aren’t trying to change that now. The iPhone 6 will come in two versions: a 4.7-inch screen model and a 5.5-inch screen “phablet” model. Both of these are bigger than previous iterations, but not quite as big as many of their Android counterparts.

This is nice because the 4.7-inch model can be great for someone with small hands, while the 5.5-inch phablet will satisfy those looking for a bit more screen real estate. It’s always nice to have options.

Apple iPhone 6 concept

3. It’s faster

Supporting the improved 64-bit A8 processor, this phone aims to give Usain Bolt a run for his money (completely intended). Last year Apple released the A7 chip in the 5s and will undoubtedly include the next version in the iPhone 6.

Rumor has it that this new processor will primarily focus on power consumption efficiency, which is great for anyone annoyed with the 5s’ less than stellar battery life.

iPhone 6's new processor

4. Increased security

Fingerprint ID security is here to stay it seems. At least that’s what Apple thinks. The fingerprint sensor is already embedded in the home button of the iPhone 5s and with its current popularity, it only makes sense that this feature will be in the next version too. After an estimated 36 million iPhone 5s units with Touch ID shipped out last year, it seems that this technology is securing its place in Apple’s flagship.

iPhone's Touch ID

5. Sapphire Glass Screen

Say goodbye to screen protectors. The once useful protectors will soon fade into obscurity as sapphire glass becomes more commonplace in portable devices. Supposedly being so tough that only a diamond is capable of scratching it, sapphire glass is clearly where the future of the iPhone is headed. Apple is already using this technology to cover its camera lens and Touch ID sensor, and soon the entire screen.

Apple’s major tech partner, GT Advanced Technologies, have recently announced that it was ready to produce a high quality commercial volume of the stuff. Coincidentally, this lines up perfectly with the production timeline for the new iPhone.

Sapphire glass screen

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